Transforming technology into accessible and innovative solutions

Welcome to NuppiTech, a software development company focused on creating accessible products and services for the general public. Our first product, NuppiBot, is a virtual assistant through WhatsApp that will help you in your daily life. Download or try NuppiBot right now and discover how it can make your life easier.

About NuppiTech

We are a team of passionate systems engineers focused on software development. We founded the company to create products and services that provide innovative and accessible solutions. Alex and Dave are the founders of NuppiTech, and have extensive experience in software development. We have a highly trained and committed team.


Our mission is to offer accessible solutions that transform how people interact with technology. We focus on creating products and services that are easy to use and provide practical solutions to everyday challenges.

Our values

At NuppiTech, we are guided by our values of innovation, quality, and accessibility. Every product or service we develop follows our values, allowing us to offer practical and innovative solutions for everyone. Our dedication to quality drives us to deliver effective and reliable products and services, while our philosophy of accessibility ensures that everyone can enjoy our products.

Diversity and inclusion

We value diversity and inclusion in our team and products. We support social evolution, so we strive to promote inclusion in the technology industry through initiatives such as inclusive hiring and collaboration with organizations that promote diversity and inclusion.

Social impact

We focus on creating products and services that positively impact society. We believe technology can be a powerful tool for social change, and we are committed to creating solutions that address important challenges in our community and worldwide.

Talk to us

If you wish to get in touch with us, you can send us a message through our contact form or email us at